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Vladimir Putin Annual Speech 2022: Goals for Ukraine and Potential Presidential Announcement

Russian President Vladimir Putin is now giving his annual speech about the past year. It is the first time in two years that he has done so.

In the speech, Putin sticks to the goals of “denazification” and “demilitarization” of Ukraine, and says that there will only be peace in the country when Russia achieves its goals.

– Peace will come when we reach our goals and Ukrainesir Putin.

– Either we agree on peace in Ukraine, or we solve the problem by using force, the president continues.

He noted at the press conference that Ukraine’s support from abroad seems to be weakening. The press conference takes place while the US and the EU are discussing continued support for the country, and with reports of Ukrainian stagnation on the battlefield as a backdrop.

Putin detail arouses attention after the state visit to Saudi Arabia on 6 December. Now a Russia expert believes that Putin is on an upswing. view more

– Progress

Putin says that Russia is still capable of making progress on the battlefield and that no further mobilization of reservists is needed.

Russia currently has 617,000 troops fighting in Ukraine, according to Putin.

According to Putin, around 486,000 have volunteered for the army, in addition to the 300,000 who were called up last year. The increase is not slowing down, according to Putin.

Putin also says that the conditions are not conducive to improving relations with the West.

He also adds that he might want to visit Turkey at the start of 2024.

Fears Russia: – Not equipped

– Lasts for hours

Last year, the speech, which is referred to as a “marathon of a press conference”, was canceled for the first time in at least ten years.

But this year the president does not cancel. At 10 Norwegian time, he has taken the lectern, and will probably be sitting there for many hours.

– It normally lasts for three to five hours, says Tom Røseth, who is the main teacher in intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy.

CRITICAL: Tom Røseth, head teacher in intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy. Photo: Forsvarets høgskole Show more


In an interview with Dagbladet before Putin took the podium, Røseth says that he thinks Putin will announce that he is running as a presidential candidate again in the Russian elections in March next year.

– In the past, this has only been announced indirectly via a soldier. Putin himself will probably now publicly talk about it, says Røseth.

The war, or “the military special operation” in Ukraine, will probably also be an important topic in the speech, Røseth believes.

– He will probably talk about the important time Russia is facing, and touch on the special operation in Ukraine. Perhaps he will refer to it as war, says Røseth, and says that Putin has done so on a few occasions in the past year.

– Putin will probably make a condemnation of the West, and claim that the West is cracking down on its support for Ukraine. The coming period will be important for Russia when it comes to winning the battle against the USA and the West with regard to Ukraine, continues Røseth.

NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled two new nuclear submarines. Video: AP. Reporter: Vegard Krüger / Dagbladet TV. view more

– Directed through

Røseth also believes that Putin will talk about the economy in the country.

– Inflation is high in Russia, so here there are challenges that must be addressed, he says.

Traditionally, Putin holds two major public events a year – one where Russians across the country can call in with questions, and a press conference that usually lasts several hours.

Today, the plan is that Putin will first give a speech, and then answer questions from the press.

According to Røseth, the questions he receives are clarified in advance.

– I assume that this is orchestrated, he says.

2023-12-14 10:41:15
#soldiers #Ukraine

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