How do today’s children go to school? And how many of them are driven directly to school by their parents? The Data Snack show explored the phenomenon of so-called mama taxis. The data of the Czech Statistical Office come from the last census.
How do today’s children go to school? | Video: Michal Janko
If we look at how children are transported to school every morning, we arrive at the following figures: four pupils out of twenty-five take their parents by car. Thirteen arrive to class by public transport – specifically, six by bus, two by train and five by public transport. Seven comes on foot. And for one, we don’t know because he didn’t tell the statisticians in the 2021 census.
While in the whole of the Czech Republic roughly every sixth pupil or student goes to school with their parents as a passenger, a look at individual parts of the country shows interesting differences. For example, in the Central Bohemia region, even every fourth child goes to school in a “mamataxi”. In contrast, in Prague or Brno, for example, only one in ten.
The quality of the local transport infrastructure affects the way of commuting the most: in large cities, which are interwoven with public transport lines, many more children use it. In Prague, it is more than half of the pupils. Where cities are connected by well-connected railway lines, it is – logically – trains.
2023-12-12 17:01:23
#Data #children #school