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The Mismanagement of Country Budgets and Its Impact on the People: Analysis by Economist Kuzman Iliev

“Basically, you cannot make growth with a budget. What is the budget? The finance minister passes by with his entourage of people who are in the NRA, i.e. with coercion, and collects some money from all of us, from all of us. Imagine this is an entrance where there are apartments, people live inside, and the cashier walks by, collects some money and says, “Now I’m going to make you richer,” and we’ll laugh at him, we’ll tell him, “You can’t do more rich, we have become poorer. Let us now see how you will spend the money.’ form, but they may not be particularly impoverished with the amount they gave”. This is what the economist and financial analyst Kuzman Iliev commented on the “This is Bulgaria” audiocast on “Focus”.

The budget of a country is what the politicians take from the people who work and it must be spent efficiently, he was categorical.

“And what we’re doing is we’re taking more and more, and we’re spending quite inefficiently. At some point, the co-op people run out of money, because someone comes through very often and with very large sums. I’m amazed at what he’s doing Mr. Asen Vasilev at the moment. In my opinion, what he does is: he looks at the electoral groups, he looks at the people who would be useful to be, so to speak, “fed with the money from all of us”, and he says: “Another 10 billion of what there is so far. If you like, NRA, collect them as you know how. If you like, Treasury, come up with what kind of tax you fool, I don’t care what the tax is. I need this money because I want to give it away. And to those groups to whom I give them, let me tell them: I give them to you.” No, you don’t give them, Mr. Vassilev. You take them from people who we don’t see going bankrupt, we don’t see how they are in an insane situation of not knowing tomorrow if Bakshisha will call, thank God, they probably won’t embarrass each other in front of the NRA, thank God, and that falls You are simply inflating expenses that are not your money. You take the money from those who work,” commented Kuzman Iliev.

“If we can’t decide what’s important to us and we’re two forwards and one back, and we’re constantly wandering, doing zigzags and political loops, we look frivolous. Today there’s a tax on Russian gas, tomorrow there’s no tax on Russian gas, today there’s derogation, tomorrow there is no derogation. You see that the same people do it within a few days. Today we support Terziev, tomorrow we do not support Terziev. The same thing. That is, obviously we do not have a strategic vision for the next 5-10 years for things that need to happen now, for example in energy, it is obvious that we are doing everything piecemeal and the horizon is very short. Bulgaria can define its own strategic interest, it is obliged to,” Iliev also said.

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2023-12-12 18:48:42

#Kuzman #Iliev #Basically #grow #budget #amazed #Asen #Vassilev

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