Russia’s economy has become critically dependent on China. However, China’s economy is far from in the best shape, and it also has major problems.
“When America sneezes, the whole world gets sick” is a favorite saying among financial professionals, reflecting the role of the US economy to the rest of the world. Russia is not interested in US economic problems. What is really interesting is whether China will sneeze. And if this happens, then Russia risks encountering “fever and high temperature”.
In the eyes of Russian propaganda, China is a country with an ideal ideology and economy, which will save Russia from sanctions, and yes, the US economy will immediately, immediately collapse, and with it the dollar and “all the rotten West too.”
“At a time when the world will have managed to bury the US economy and the dollar for the 125th time, more than one bubble is threatening to burst in the Chinese economy. This is not a forecast. This is the reality. Many experts have already started writing books about how the Chinese government lives without crises, how smart the government is there… In fact, sooner or later a bigger crisis must happen due to various objective reasons,” argues economist Sergey Yegiyev, PhD student at Brown University.
China’s economic miracle
2023-12-11 22:01:00
#China #salvation #Russia #risks #encountering #fever #high #temperature