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Correct Use of Toilet Paper: Health, Environmental, and Sustainable Alternatives

Be careful how you use toilet paper. Making a small change to your daily routine can make a difference and prevent unpleasant unexpected events.

Toilet paper – adriatico24ore.it

Toilet paper has become an essential element in our lives, but it’s important to pay attention to how we use it. We often use it every day without thinking too much about it, but the impact it has on the environment and our health deserves deeper reflection.

Toilet paper used like this is risky

Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential to maintaining our well-being, but many people may not realize the daily practices that can put your health at risk. An often overlooked aspect concerns the incorrect use of toilet paper, a seemingly insignificant gesture which, according to medical experts, could have potentially harmful consequences. There ginecologa Alyssa Dweckin an interview with Healthhighlighted one of the main mistakes that many people make in the bathroom: cleaning from back to front. This method, particularly risky for women, increases exposure to bacteria and infections. The doctor’s advice is clear: it is preferable to clean from front to back, following the direction from the urethra to the butt.

Correct use in the bathroom – adriatico24ore.it

Dragging toilet paper in the wrong direction can promote the transport of bacteria that could contribute to urinary tract infections. These infections, if left untreated, can cause pain when urinating and, in extreme cases, progress to kidney infections.

Not only the cleaning technique, but also the amount and type of toilet paper used can influence our health. Martin Richardsdirector of the hygiene technology experts at SMARTi Environmentalsuggests use a maximum of 10 sheets of paper for every bathroom visit. This detail is essential to avoid unnecessary waste, discouraging excessive wrapping of sheets around the hand. Experts also advise against using scented toilet paperas the dyes and chemicals used could damage the intimate areas.

Environmental impact

Toilet paper production involves the cutting of a large number of trees and high water consumption. This process of deforestation has negative effects on natural habitat and biodiversity. Trees play an important role in purifying the air and reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and their destruction can cause serious environmental damage. In addition, its production requires significant quantities of water, a precious commodity already scarcely available in many parts of the world. It is important to consider more sustainable alternatives that can reduce our environmental impact.

Paper roll – adriatico24ore.it

But it’s not just the environment that suffers from excessive use. Often, paper is treated with potentially harmful chemicals to improve its softness and absorbency characteristics. These substances can irritate sensitive skin and cause allergic reactions.

There are greener and more environmentally friendly alternatives, such as the use of bidets or the adoption of recycled toilet paper. We must be aware of our consumption and try to reduce waste, using only the necessary amount.

2023-12-11 09:30:34
#Toilet #paper #harmful #careful

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