Tangerines are a symbol of winter and New Year. However, it often happens that in the store we buy fruits that are so sour that they make our mouth warp. What to do in such a situation? It’s a shame to throw it in the trash, but I also don’t want to test my endurance. It turns out there is a “Japanese way” to sweeten fruit without using sugar.
Bath for tangerines
In fact, it will be enough to give the tangerines a small bath. The procedure is as follows:
- Heat the water to 40 degrees (it should be slightly hot, but it should not burn your hands).
- Place the unpeeled fruits in water.
- After 10 minutes, place the fruit in a cold bath and soak for 5 minutes.
The temperature difference is supposed to neutralize the acidity. Thus, this simple procedure will take you 15 minutes, and you will not have to wince to eat the tangerine.
Another way is to put tangerines in the microwave for 30 seconds, setting the device to maximum power. But there are several nuances.
First, to prevent the fruit from exploding, you need to make small cuts in the peel. Secondly, after the procedure, tangerines must cool down.
In addition, they must be eaten immediately. Such fruits cannot be stored for a long time.
And lastly, the taste of the tangerines will become sweeter, but something else will change – under the influence of the temperature in the microwave, they will be partially cooked.
How to choose sweet tangerines in the store?
However, the best way is to initially spend more time in the store to choose really sweet fruits. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to 4 signs:
- appearance;
- scent;
- weight;
- country of origin.
Telegraph wrote more about this earlier.
Why eat tangerines?
These fruits are not only delicious but also full of health benefits. Regular consumption of citrus fruits helps in the fight against excess weight, diabetes and even cancer. The compounds contained in the pulp, especially salvestrol Q40, can destroy cancer cells and protect against liver cancer.
Researchers say the vitamins and minerals in the juice help improve vision and prevent new eye diseases.
And in general, eating tangerines, especially in winter, will be beneficial for our health!
Telegraph previously wrote about what fruits and vegetables will help avoid vitamin deficiency in winter.
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