Home » Business » Eating reheated rice and pasta, how safe is it? – The NY Journal

Eating reheated rice and pasta, how safe is it? – The NY Journal

Food poisoning occurs due to the proliferation of bacteria that affects our body, and that goes beyond just looking and tasting good. In the case of rice and pasta, an expert explains why it is not recommended to eat them when they have been prepared for more than a day.

“Rice and pasta are two especially perishable and delicate foods. We should only consume them after 24 hours in the refrigerator,” explains food safety expert, Mario Sánchez, in a Saber Vivir (TVE) program.

As these are two widely used foods present in our diet, different plants are prepared and they can be reheated and eaten again after several hours.

There are heat resistant bacteria

According to the specialist, the risks to the body begin when they are consumed after 24 hours, although it is very common for rice to be prepared enough for several days.

The Bacillus cereus bacteria begins to proliferate after 24 hours quite easily in food, and can be resistant to heat.

He explains that “the bacteria somehow contaminates the food of origin. In addition, it synthesizes and secretes toxins that are especially worrying because they can withstand cooking temperatures and that is the problem.”

Not all pasta retains its attractive texture and flavor when reheated.
Crédito: Shutterstock

This means that if you think that reheating the food can kill the bacteria, this is not possible. “Even if we cook, we do not destroy the bacteria or the toxin.”

The longer these products spend in the refrigerator, the more likely they are to get sick, since putting them in the refrigerator does not prevent the bacteria from continuing to grow freely, indicates Cadena Ser.

“We don’t care if we have had it in the refrigerator or if we have reheated it well before eating,” he adds.

One of the recommendations is to prepare the rice or pasta that you are going to eat, not to overdo it.

For her part, food technology expert Beatriz Robles warns that taste is not indicative that a product is in good condition. “Rice and pasta should not be consumed if they have been cooked for more than 1 day (and always kept in the refrigerator). It doesn’t matter if they taste good, they have risks.”

Keep reading:

.Know what is the best way to put food in the refrigerator, cold or hot?

. When to throw away food? Tips to avoid food poisoning

. When to throw away food? Tips to avoid food poisoning

. Five foods you should avoid freezing at all costs! They lose flavor and consistency

. 5 tips from the FDA to store food in the refrigerator without it spoiling


2023-12-09 16:00:27
#Eating #reheated #rice #pasta #safe #Journal

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