The Untitled Goose Game House House, the Australian studio known for its indie game House House, has presented a brand new, rather strange and bizarre game Big Walk which will be published in 2025. It’s an online co-op multiplayer adventure set on an island somewhere in Australia. THE Big Walk player characters are bipedal, bird-like creatures, and the game itself will be introspective. The player and his friends joining the cooperative mode can explore the island together, solving the puzzles together. According to House House, the Big Walk will focus on solving these challenges as a group.
According to Jake Strasser, one of the developers of House House, a Big Walk offers a relaxed yet fun experience that friends can play at their own pace and enjoy their time together in the world. By the way, the walkable island is inspired by the natural landscape in Wilsons Promontory National Park, the southernmost point of Australia. Unfortunately Big Walk it will not be released until 2025, but we hope that it will come sooner than expected GTA 6which will steal all our free time anyway.
2023-12-09 16:00:47
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