Yes, your baby is different this month; He will offer you the first, most wonderful, and most beautiful reward. Do you know what it is? It is his smile, the one that days later is followed by loud laughter, and with it he announces his welcome to seeing you, and gives you an indication of the good progress of his growth and the development of his senses, but be careful; Do not expect your child to demonstrate the same skills that agree with what you have heard or read. Children are different; So do not compare him to another child, and if he achieves half of the recognized skills, be sure that he grows and develops normally.
More details features Born in the second month, Dr. Ibrahim Shukri, Pediatric Consultant, speaks about the growth and development of the mother’s skills and attitude.
Grip, vision and colours
Softness in his tense muscles…while maintaining his strong grip, your child now follows things moving in front of him, can focus his sight at a distance of 15 cm, and can distinguish more colors. Its length increases from 3.5 cm to 5 cm, while its weight increases from 600 to 900 grams. Therefore, it will need to be breastfed every two or three hours, and once during sleep at night. A baby born in the second month will give you the first and most wonderful smile, and you will watch it while you change his diaper, while you feed him, or while you bathe him. He is awake for 10 hours, but sleeps for longer periods at a time, giving you the opportunity to regain some of your energy. The child is getting stronger, but is not yet able to hold his head upright, and only keeps it upright for several seconds at a time. You notice that the jerky movements of his arms and legs have become softer and somewhat circular. He also has a strong grip this month, although he is not good at loosening it yet, which is why you have to be careful if he grabs your hair.
Learn about the possible reasons for a baby crying when sleeping
Sounds and head and body movement
Your baby is talking, smiling, and listening to sounds
When placed on his stomach, he keeps his head in the middle position, and he can also raise his head at a forty-five degree angle for a few minutes… When placed on his back, he moves his head, and when helped to sit, he keeps his head upright, but continues to sway.
He is interested in sounds and listens to them. He makes some short throat sounds that resemble human sounds… and you will find him cooing and smiling, and most of his vocal tones are in the form of crying.
Mental development and mental cognition
The baby’s weight varies from week to week. Your baby in the second month is trying to interact with people and things. Trying to focus on one thing and two. Recognizes the difference between people, objects, and sounds. He appears upset, cheerful, and emotional. He can calm himself down by breastfeeding, smile at his father, mother and siblings, become upset and upset at loud noises, and express this with his facial signs. His gaze sometimes seems to be infinite, and he makes consistent circular eye movements, looking at the light or any moving object, and following it from both sides of the eye. He stays silent and looks at moving objects and images, but he prefers to look at people. He responds and reacts by moving his body. He realizes that there is a connection between the mother and food, and he calms down when held and loves bathing, but weight gain varies from one week to the next. This is a month of exploration for your baby, he is fascinated by his hands, staring at them intently, putting them in the mouth and sucking them has become a favorite pastime for him.
The mother’s role: responding with a simple hug to calm him down
With a simple hug, you calm him down when he cries. Your child’s nervous system is developing. You will find him crying intensely and loudly, as he finds crying a beautiful expression. He may be tired and want to be held to feel reassured. Respond to your child and follow your instincts about his needs. Give him a simple hug to calm him down, or put him in a stroller to show him the outside world, or a tender touch and a familiar scent to keep him calm and calm. All your efforts and hard work as a mother will begin to show during this month. Your child is not completely able to express to you how he feels, but this month can be more rewarding for your efforts as a new mother. Expect more smiles and lots of cheering when your baby is able to move, and you’ll have a stronger emotional connection than ever as you enjoy the joys of motherhood. Play with him and talk. Offer him stuffed toys, soft balls, and animal-shaped pillows by allowing him to touch and interact with them. The child can also distinguish your voice from other sounds, and track the source of the noise as well. This month, your baby wants to put everything in his mouth, and may watch your movements and expressions with interest. Teething is still at least three months away, so the drooling is simply due to his eagerness to put things in his mouth. You will love the effort your baby makes to move from his back to his side and vice versa; Because the child’s neck and arm muscles are not fully developed.
Learn about…tips for taking care of your newborn to ensure his health and development
Child health
Raising the hands and feet and examining the fingers is the greatest discovery for the child
He will look healthy and grow normally. His smile says a lot about his health, so it’s time to be happy. The baby will now grab the toys or your hands intentionally and not as an involuntary reaction as before. Gradually give him rattles or small, safe soft toys. Exploring their hands and feet will be a great discovery, and this will keep your baby occupied for long periods of time. Lifting feet and examining fingers will become a regular pastime.
Activities for your child
Sing with your child and dance with him…it will increase his activity and vitality. Sing to him. Through this simple activity, your child will develop listening skills and understand language. With him, change the tone of your voice and find out whether he will respond or not? To engage in emotional bonding and develop listening skills, play an upbeat song at an appropriate volume, hold your baby on your chest and dance to it. Bring a colorful toy or stuffed animal within your child’s visual range, and make movements to attract his attention and move it slowly from side to side. This helps him with visual development and tracking. Massage your child. This activity is very comfortable for the child, and helps him feel the mother’s touch. Gently lift his legs and move them in a cycling position. Although your baby may not understand a word of everything you read, holding a book, showing pictures, and introducing him to colors is very important at this stage.
Note from Sayidaty Net: Before applying this recipe or treatment, you should consult a specialist doctor.