Home » Business » Economists predict that Czechs will start to feel better next year TN.cz

Economists predict that Czechs will start to feel better next year TN.cz

According to economic experts, Czechs will be better off next year. Thanks to lower inflation, real wages should start to rise again. The standard of living should also rise with them.

The average gross wage in the third quarter of this year rose to 42,658 crowns per month, but inflation, i.e. the rise in prices, was even faster. So, in reality, we have become poorer. “If we were to compare the price that was in 2020, before prices started to rise, with today’s prices, today they are more than 40 percent higher,” adds publicist and economist Lenka Zlámalová.

But it should be better soon. “In the next year, wages in the private sector will increase more significantly, inflation will decrease to the two percent inflation target, which will lead to the fact that the price increase will not be nearly as brisk as this year,” predicts economist Pavel Peterka from the Roklen company.

And other economic forecasts also look optimistic. “I doubt that unemployment would increase. The market is overheated, we have a great demand for employees and there is a lack of new people,” thinks Chief Economist of CFG Vladimír Pikora.

That’s how the hard times seem to end. “In the Czech Republic, anyone who wants to work and support a family has no problem in principle. So if we wanted to look at the year 2024 very simply: Prices will be slower, living standards will rise, real wages will rise,” summarizes Peterka’s outlook for the future.

luk, TN.cz

2023-12-06 17:27:00
#Economists #predict #Czechs #start #feel #year #TN.cz

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