At the ceremony honoring historical and creative figures, de Niro took the stage for the film “Killers of the Flower Moon” directed by Martin Scorsese (Martin Scorsese). He read some notes on the film and said that the first part of his speech was cut out and not shown on the dubbing machine.
He then read the missing part of the speech from his phone: “History is no longer history. The truth is no longer the truth. Even facts are replaced with alternative facts and supported by conspiracy theories and nonsense. In Florida, students are taught that slaves developed skills that could be used for personal gain. The entertainment industry is not immune to this plague. Duke John Wayne (The Duke, John Wayne) famously said about Native Americans: “I don’t think we did anything wrong in taking this great country from them. There were a lot of people who needed new land, and the Indians selfishly tried to keep it for themselves .””
De Niro added: “Lies have become another tool in the arsenal of charlatans.
2023-12-05 22:00:57
#Robert #Niro #claims #speech #Donald #Trump #censored