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A smart belt was released in China: why is it needed?

Cameras built into the belt analyze the surroundings, warning the user of possible collisions.

AI Guided from Hong Kong created GUIDi is a smart belt with artificial intelligence inside that can scan the area around the user. The belt is intended to replace canes for blind people.

GUIDi analyzes your surroundings using two built-in 8-megapixel cameras and leaders. The belt knows what surrounds the user at a distance of up to 5 meters. In parallel, the belt and AI algorithms assess the situation in real time – neural networks determine which objects can become an obstacle in a person’s path, for example, fences, trash cans, steps, pedestrian crossings, etc.

The belt can guide the blind using a built-in tactile communication system. Special motors vibrate in the belt area so that a person can turn, stop and start walking again in time.

The GUIDi belt has a proprietary mobile application. In it, the user can indicate the place where he needs to be – the belt will plot the safest route and begin to indicate the path using tactile signals.

The belt connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. One charge of the built-in battery is enough for 10 hours of travel. Braille buttons are provided for control.

The main advantage of the AI ​​belt is that the gadget frees the hands of a blind person. If a blind person uses classical methods of orientation (canes and guide dogs), then one of the person’s hands is always busy, which imposes many problems on everyday tasks.

So far, GUIDi has already entered mass production. The smart belt is now available for pre-order on Indiegogo. The price – 85,000 rubles. If crowdfunding is successful, deliveries will begin in the second half of 2024.

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Nikita Laktyushin

2023-12-04 09:56:58
#smart #belt #released #China #needed

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