Home » Health » How the Immune System Produces Vitamin D in an Infection: Expert Advice and Recommendations

How the Immune System Produces Vitamin D in an Infection: Expert Advice and Recommendations

We don’t need the sun to produce it! In an infection, the immune system itself produces vitamin D. It is the demonstration that we are talking about a vital substance.

We take it on the path of this vitamin, elevated to the rank of a hormone. How can we help her and help ourselves. “Good Doctor” begins. Vitamin D. In an infection, we make it. Vitamin D signals and communicates throughout the immune system. Immunology expert Carmen Chifiriuc explains. Univ. Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Faculty of Biology: “Some immune cells manage to produce vitamin D, as it is normally produced in the liver and kidneys. It can be produced by immune cells during an infection. Macrophages, phagocytes, and dendritic cells can produce vitamin D during activation in an infection.” Andreea Groza: Why do we have this capacity? In front of an aggressor, an infection means aggression, the immune system asks itself questions: 1. I fight with all my strength. 2. I adapt, how do I fight? 3. I struggle a little too. The only correct response to an infection is a perfectly balanced fight. Not too strong, not too weak. Perfect. In balance, it only succeeds with vitamin D in the right amount. The immune system is similar to the nervous system. A brain, receiving chemical information, every second. As the nervous system receives information constantly. Univ. Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Faculty of Biology: “It is a mobile brain, which works on the same principles as the nervous system. Cells, which communicate with each other, and are distributed throughout the body. The immune response is coordinated, just as our reflexes are coordinated.” In health, everyone has a mission to keep their vitamin D at a normal level. This means continuous administration. Daily dose. But what dose? The endocrinologist first recommends the blood test, which shows the level in the circulation. Dr. Antonela Burlacu, endocrinology primary physician: “We need a constant, suitable for every age and physiological status. It is very important to know how big this deficit is. Depending on how big the deficit is, you can start with 5,000 units, two months, or 2,000 units, two months. If you have normal vitamin D, you can go with 1,500-2,000 units per day. The content of food was calculated how much food to eat, about ten eggs, a liter of milk and I don’t know how much liver daily. Something that is not achievable, that’s why you should take vitamin D”. Vitamin D plus fish oil, i.e. a constant source of Omega 3. Dr. Bogdan Pascu, pediatric endocrinologist: “And administration with vitamin D helps the absorption of vitamin D because vitamin D is fat-soluble and is better absorbed with fats, administered with a form of fish oil, vitamin D is better absorbed. When patients get to normal, they stop, because they have reached their zone of normal, and they stop. And what will happen? The level will decrease. That’s why I support constant supplementation”. Unfortunately, the blood test, which measures vitamin D, is not settled by the Health Insurance Company, even though this information is vital for the whole body. All organs have receptors for vitamin D.

Source: Pro TV

Tags: Vitamin D, good doctor

Publication date: 03-12-2023 10:25

2023-12-03 08:26:31
#Vitamin #vital #hormone #produced #immune #system #infections

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