Streptococcus uberis is a common cause of mastitis in dairy cows. They call the bacterium an opportunistic pathogen: the bacterium feels very comfortable in the cow’s environment, but if the opportunity arises, the bacterium causes an infection in the udder.
Most Streptococcus uberis strains come from the cow environment. Bedding material and manure in particular form a breeding ground for these bacteria. A study carried out in 2022 at the University of Nottingham examined the behavior of Streptococcus uberis in different types of bedding material over a longer period of time.
The test with various types of bedding materials
This scientific study examined three types of litter from 3 large dairy farms: sand, sawdust and straw. The sand was stored outdoors uncovered, while the sawdust and straw were stored dry and covered. In addition to this unused litter, used bedding material was also taken from sand and sawdust from the cubicles and from straw that had been present in the deep litter stable for some time. In this study, strains Streptococcus uberis used that were cultured from milk from cows with clinical mastitis.
To get a good idea of whether Streptococcus uberis prefers and survives in a certain type of bedding material, all litter samples were sterilized before being contaminated with Streptococcus uberis. Because the samples are all made sterile at the start of the test and only then are they “contaminated” with a precisely determined amount Streptococcus uberis, one gets a good idea of whether these bacteria can survive and even multiply in certain bedding materials. The litter samples were examined for presence and quantity for 35 days Streptococcus uberis. This way it becomes clear how long Streptococcus uberis may be present and whether they can multiply in a certain type of litter.
The results
There were none Streptococcus uberis germs found in the control samples, which contained no substrate. No breeding ground, no growth. No. was found in the sawdust samples after 7 days Streptococcus uberis found more. This corresponds to what we notice in practice. Companies that structurally use clean and dry sawdust in the cubicles have significantly fewer problems with Streptococcus uberis. The essential oils present in pine sawdust are believed to have an antibacterial effect.
In contrast, there was a significant increase in both clean and used straw Streptococcus uberis found. This is also consistent with the findings that problems with mastitis are caused by: Streptococcus uberis is mainly present on farms with deep litters and chopped straw as box covering!
The first 14 days after contamination were also observed in the sand samples Streptococcus uberis found! However, a difference was seen in clean sand or used sand. On clean sand the infection disappears after 14 days. In practice, sand loungers contain organic material (manure, milk, hair, saliva) over time. Examination of the used sand from the cubicles shows that it is still there after 35 days Streptococcus uberis after is present!
Streptococcus uberis can survive for at least 35 days in straw used as bedding material and can reproduce in straw and sand. Fresh sawdust seems to be the safest option to reduce the risk of infection with Streptococcus uberis. The more organic contamination there is in the cubicle, the more favorable the conditions Streptococcus uberis are to survive! Cubicle management therefore plays a crucial role in solving udder health problems Streptococcus uberis.
Would you like to know more about prevention and vaccination against Streptococcus uberis mastitis? Please contact one of our veterinarians: Jessica Hartjes, 06-3800 8533 (Netherlands), Niels Groot Nibbelink (South Netherlands) 06-8100 2036, Anne-Miek Timmermans (Central Netherlands) 06-1370 2817, Sabine Hoogeveen (North -West Netherlands) 06-8279 0165 or Anne-Lynn Geertshuis (North-East Netherlands) 06-2046 9304.
2023-12-01 16:21:55
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