Bruce Willis, who announced his retirement last year at the age of 68, appears to be suffering from a more complex condition: frontotemporal dementia. The aphasia, a neurological condition that affects the ability to speak, write and understand language and which he was already battling, was only a symptom of this more serious diagnosis.
But despite all the challenges, there is hope and warmth within the family. This is evident from the recent images shared by daughter Scout. The video, which has now gone viral on several social media platforms, shows Willis holding Scout’s hand. A subsequent photo shows the loving moment when Scout rests her head in her father’s palm.
The Willis family has provided sporadic updates on his condition since Bruce’s diagnosis. According to his fans, Bruce looks particularly vulnerable and it is visible that he is continuing to deteriorate. “Take care, Bruce,” the comments read. “And enjoy every moment of joy and connection in the family.”
LOOK. Bruce Willis’ wife: “I’m not doing well”
2023-11-30 13:17:01
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