Home » Health » The Benefits of Walking Barefoot on Grass: Physiological Effects and More

The Benefits of Walking Barefoot on Grass: Physiological Effects and More

KOMPAS.com – Walking on grass has many benefits. Especially if done barefoot.

Research shows that walking barefoot on grass has a positive impact on physiological actions.

Apart from that, walking on grass also helps improve sleep quality, reduce pain, reduce muscle tension, and reduce stress.

For more details, see the following benefits of walking on grass for the body:

Reasons why walking is good for the body

Reporting from the Washington Post, walking on grass barefoot has beneficial physiological effects on the body.

This is because the earth’s surface has a negative charge which constantly produces electrons so that it can neutralize free radicals which then function as antioxidants.

So far, many people suspect that antioxidants come from food, such as vegetables and fruit.

However, what is interesting is that antioxidants can be obtained directly from the earth.

Also read: Effective in reducing cholesterol, this is the recommended way to walk regularly

Benefits of walking on grass

When you walk on the grass barefoot, the principles of reflexology work.

At that time, the soles of your feet will be pressed harder so that the function of your body’s organs will be regulated.

Quoted from Health Shots, here are the benefits of walking on grass:

1. Prevent insomnia

If you have problems sleeping well, try walking in the park barefoot.

The benefits will be felt when you walk on the grass barefoot every day for about 30 minutes.

Also read: Walking Vs Running, Which Loses Weight Faster?

2. Reduce inflammation

Walking on grass helps stimulate the function of your body’s organs.

This activity can provide multiple benefits when done in the morning.

This is because in the morning, sunlight provides vitamin D which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Reduces depression

Several studies show the psychological benefits of taking a walk in the park.

Another study found that walking barefoot is beneficial for mental health.

Also read: 5 Benefits of Silent Walking, Walking Without Music

4. Improves heart health

Reporting from Healthshots, studies show that walking barefoot can synchronize your heartbeat which regulates your body temperature and hormone secretion.

This is important for regulating body temperature and hormone secretion.

Plus, maintaining heart health makes the body’s other organs function well.

5. Improves eye health

According to reflexology, when walking, we put maximum pressure on the feet.

Both have maximum nerve endings that stimulate your eye function.

Therefore, walking barefoot on grass also preserves your eyesight.

Also read: Morning or evening, when is the right time to walk?

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2023-11-30 02:00:00
#Benefits #Walking #Grass #Maintaining #Heart #Eye #Health #Kompas.com

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