While Elina Rakhimova is looking for evidence of intimacy between Igor Grigoriev and Christina Bukhynbalte, Chris herself exposes the hypocrisy and deceit of her former friend.
Kristina not only reminded Sasha Cherno and other participants about Rakhimova’s attempts to seduce Ivan Barzikov, but also sarcastically advised Grigoriev to admit that there was passion, and everything else was “awesome.”
And Rakhimova has no reason to be indignant, she herself started this confrontation, although it is not only Elina who suffers from hypocrisy in the clearing. But Kristina Bukhynbalte is confident in her own irresistibility, and Grigoriev could easily be taken away, because she has a large number of subscribers and advertising.
The cautious Igor Grigoriev fell silent after hearing the words of Bukhynbalte and seriously thought about how correct his choice in favor of Rakhimova was? After all, quarrels and scandals with Elina became an everyday occurrence for him. Is Rakhimova right in her dissatisfaction with such a close friendship between Grigoriev and Bukhynbalte?