Jakarta –
Heart attacks are often seen as a terrible scourge. Because in many cases, this attack comes suddenly so that the patient does not have time to receive early treatment. But actually, according to doctors, there are signs of a heart attack that can be recognized. These include chest pain that spreads to the shoulders, arms or jaw.
“A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that carries oxygen-rich blood to the brain stops. The heart usually stops because it gets stuck. One of the things that stops is because of plaque, a crust on the walls of the blood vessels that causes it to get stuck,” explained the Head of the Association of Internal Medicine Specialists. Indonesia (PAPDI) Dr Dr Sally Aman Nasution, SpPD-KKV, FINASIM, FACP, in a virtual press conference, Tuesday (28/11/2023).
“This causes narrowing. In layman’s language, there is narrowing in the coronary heart, this is what happens. It can happen slowly or quickly. If what happens suddenly and quickly, that’s what is called a heart attack,” he added.
Signs of a Heart Attack
Dr. Sally further explained that several signs of a heart attack can actually be detected. However, in many cases, the symptoms that appear are not suspected to be signs of a heart attack, so patients cannot get proper treatment.
One symptom that is often missed is pain in the pit of the stomach. Many people think that symptoms like this are only caused by Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
“The most common is chest pain, discomfort in the chest. Often things like this are accompanied by headaches, malaise, cold sweat, then pain from the jaw to the shoulders, arms, back pain,” he said.
“Then sometimes it’s heartburn. So in some cases it’s thought to be stomach ulcers or GERD. It turns out it’s an early symptom of a heart attack. Sometimes it’s accompanied by shortness of breath,” concluded Dr. Sally.
Watch the video “Explanation of experts about myths related to heart attacks”
2023-11-29 04:30:19
#Signals #heart #attack #arrives #mistaken #GERD