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19 people use control and monitoring devices in Guatemala

The Telematics Control Unit (UCT) of the Ministry of the Interior (Mingob) reported that to date, 19 people are using the aforementioned control and monitoring device, because they were benefited with substitute measures by the Judicial Branch (OJ).

The Director of the UCT, Alejandro Quevedo, indicated that 1 device has been installed in June, 3 in July, 4 in August, 6 in September, 4 in October and 1 in November, which are located in Quetzaltenango, Quiché, San Marcos and Guatemala.

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Quevedo explained that the UCT has a monitoring center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in order to monitor inmates benefiting from this provision in real time.

“The device emits a permanent signal of the georeferenced location of its wearer, allowing the UCT to monitor their movements and ensure that they are not in prohibited places”Quevedo explained.

The official added that the UCT also has a team of agents who make periodic visits to the users of the device, to verify that they are complying with the alternative measures.

“Substitute measures are an alternative to preventive detention, which allows people accused of a crime to complete their judicial process in freedom, under certain conditions”Quevedo pointed out.

Alternative to preventive detention

The people who can opt for a substitute measure are the unionized, as an alternative to preventive detention; those convicted who are serving a final sentence and who are in the pre-release and controlled release phases, as well as the alleged aggressors, for the safety of victims of domestic violence or other crimes.

The Mingob considers that the UCT is an important tool for reducing the prison population and guaranteeing the safety of victims.

The launch of the UCT is an important step in the process of reforming the Guatemalan prison system. The control and monitoring device allows people accused of a crime to complete their judicial process in freedom, under certain conditions.

According to a report from the National Economic Research Center (CIEN), as of March 2023, there were 23,070 people deprived of liberty in the Penitentiary System in Guatemala (and only 6,842 penitentiary spaces). The prison population tripled between 2008 and 2019.

This measure can contribute to reducing the prison population. Additionally, it can help ensure the safety of victims by restricting the movements of alleged attackers.

However, it is important that the UCT is implemented appropriately and that the rights of device users are ensured.

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