Spoilers for the film, but also for the color of the pregnancy ribbon Miriam Leone? Unwanted previews and moments of embarrassment in the interview Fabio Fazio to the actress during the episode of What’s the weather like, Sunday 26 November, on Nove. Leone entered the studio with her big belly together with Monica Bellucci, another star of the upcoming film “Diabolik – Who are you?“. In giving the synopsis of the film, Fazio lets out a few too many details. “But that’s understandable”, Miriam Leone stops him but the omelette is done. At that point the host tries to reverse the situation, and at every reference to the plot he asks the actresses in the studio: “But can I say this? Can we say it?”.
Smiles, but also embarrassment. The interview with Leone began with the topic of pregnancy. In fact, the actress is a few weeks away from giving birth: “This is the last work appointment before going to maternity“, explains the actress married to the entrepreneur Paolo Carullo. Fazio then asked about the sex of her unborn child, with Leone explaining that she and her husband decided not to communicate it before her birth. Fazio appeared quite surprised by the choice. During the interview, however, a sentence escapes Miriam Leone. “Do I look forward to it? You said ‘it’…“, underlines Fazio. Another moment of embarrassment. And another “spoiler”?
2023-11-27 07:44:00
#Fabio #Fazio #sensational #gaffe #pregnant #Miriam #Leone #sex #revealed