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Rising Car Traffic in Oslo and Akershus: Proposals to Tackle the Challenge

If nothing drastic is done, car traffic in Oslo and Akershus will increase by 17 percent until 2040, according to Norconsult, writes NRK.

The background is that the Oslo area has a rapid population growth. The problem for the politicians is that this is contrary to the zero growth target – which is that car traffic should not increase, and the growth in passenger transport should be achieved by public transport, cycling and walking.

The report proposes a number of measures to tackle the challenge – both to limit car traffic and increase the use of other forms of transport. To limit car use, a double toll rate in Oslo, toll rings around six towns in Akershus, lower speeds, increased parking prices and less access to home parking are proposed. In addition, so-called road pricing is proposed.

At the other end, they propose faster arrivals for buses, far more departures, and simplified zone systems and ticket prices. In addition, the report proposes better provision for bicycles and more use of so-called micromobility – electric scooters and the like.

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The report will be the basis for the negotiations on Oslo package 3 in the new year. Here, the state and the politicians from Oslo and Akershus will agree on new toll rates, and the various road and public transport measures the money will be used for.

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2023-11-27 07:14:58

#Proposes #doubling #tolls #Oslo

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