Home » Technology » Car safety in winter, what absolutely not to do if you have a small child – theWise Magazine

Car safety in winter, what absolutely not to do if you have a small child – theWise Magazine

Safety in the car is never enough, especially in winter. Here’s what you absolutely must not do if you have a small child.

The car is the most used means of transport by Italians. It is mainly used to move from one place to another, especially when the weather conditions are not the best, it is raining and cold. It is used to reach the supermarket and load the shopping into the car, which is often heavy to carry home by hand. To pick up children from school, if the school is very far from home, and so on.

The mistake not to make if you have a child in the car (TheWiseMagazine.it)

But, especially in winter, you need to be very careful when you are in the car and driving, especially if you have a small child with you. Let’s see together which it is the most common mistake that many makebut which absolutely should not be done because it is very dangerous.

Be careful if you have a child in the car: this mistake could be fatal!

Safety in the car is never enough, which is why it should be increasingly increased. One of the major reasons for accidents is certainly the use of cell phones. Whatever the reason for the latter being caught in your hands while driving, it is wrong. Surely we may have some phone calls to answer: in that case it is good to have the headset with you. In this way we will never take our hands off the steering wheel, still having a tight and firm grip.

But that’s certainly not the only reason. Maybe another could be a simple distraction, which could cost us dearly. In winter you need to be much more careful than in other seasons: rain, wind and snow can increase the risk of accidents. And especially in winter, if we have a child in the car with us, we shouldn’t make the mistake that we will explain below. It could be very dangerous indeed.

attention child car winter
Why pay attention to a child in the car in winter (TheWiseMagazine.it)

The mistake that is often made when you have a very small child with you is to put him in the appropriate seat with the seat belts fastened, but still wearing the jacket. The reason is that it is very cold and consequently, for fear that he might catch an illness, we leave him with this on. This is a huge mistake that should not be made.

The reason is very simple: the jacket creates a sort of air gap between the child and the belts. Consequently, if for any reason an accident occurs (serious or not), the child will tend to slip from the seat and be thrown against the seat in front, or in worse cases against the glass of the windscreen. Therefore, you should first remove the child’s jacket, then apply the safety rules with the use of seat belts and finally, if it is very cold, cover him with a blanket, or if you wish with the same jacket but placed as a blanket.

2023-11-26 22:00:18
#Car #safety #winter #absolutely #small #child #theWise #Magazine

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