Would you like to be the preferred contact for the launches of our new training offers?
Commercial approach and web marketing
For each new offer
•Implement and monitor a communication action plan and a marketing/webmarketing action plan with the aim of ensuring a lead generation strategy
•Implement an associated commercial action plan
•Propose a content strategy implemented with a social selling objective
•Participate in the organization of events: breakfasts, thematic evenings, workshops, webinars, etc.
Relation client
•Promote new training offers to external clients
•Promote new training offers to internal customers (territory sales teams, who will have to market these offers once launched)
You will be attached to La Cellule OFFRE. So what does the cell offer? She ensures the development of new training offers (themes, formats, etc.) on behalf of 2 internal subsidiaries. The unit also launches the modules created with customers, and once this launch is complete, supports the territorial teams in taking charge and ensuring the continuity of marketing.
2023-11-25 05:19:11
#Marketing #sales #manager #Groupe #Avenir #Santé #Formation #Permanent #contract #Open #total #teleworking