Home » News » Hospital confirms “Chalo Kerdthet” has not died. But the condition is critical. Infection in the bloodstream

Hospital confirms “Chalo Kerdthet” has not died. But the condition is critical. Infection in the bloodstream

Hospital confirms “Chalo Kerdthet” has not died. But the illness is critical. Infection in the bloodstream Must use a respirator at all times

(23 Nov. 2023) Reporters reported that Khum Phra Lor Racing Team T96’s Facebook page has reported the news of Mr. Chalo Kerdthet, a famous former police officer. Has died Later, close people confirmed that Such rumors are not true.

At 3:45 p.m., the reporter was informed by Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Know that Mr. Chalo Not yet dead But his condition is still at a critical level, with Mr. Chalo having come in for treatment since mid-September with symptoms of a high fever and an infection in the bloodstream. and symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage They were sent from Wat Pa Sap Thawi Thammaram. Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, before symptoms worsened. The doctor confirmed that he had not yet died. But you must use a ventilator at all times.

During the past 2 years, Mr. Chalo came to practice meditation at Wat Pa Sapthawi Thammaram, Wang Mee Subdistrict, Wang Nam Khieo District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. At that time he was sick with a stroke. After being released from prison, “Pa Lo” wore a white robe and sat in a wheelchair practicing meditation. With her daughter taking care of her closely. After practicing Dhamma for a while, he said goodbye.

Then the illness began to get worse, both from a stroke. Elderly disease and high blood pressure Until mid-September 2023, Mr. Chalo had a high fever and a blood infection. Until he had to be transported for urgent treatment. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital and the doctor has treated him until now

2023-11-24 01:13:31
#Hospital #confirms #Chalo #Kerdthet #died #condition #critical #Infection #bloodstream

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