Nov 23, 2023 at 6:03 p.m
The cultural sector is concerned about the PVV’s significant gain in the House of Representatives elections. Geert Wilders’ party believes that cultural subsidies should be abolished. This could have major consequences for art institutions and public broadcasting.
“We have to take a pitch-black scenario into account,” Peter van den Bunder of the Kunstenbond, the cultural sector union, told “If subsidies in the cultural sector disappear, many jobs will be at risk. In addition, culture will no longer be accessible to everyone.”
Many organizations cannot meet their budget with ticket sales alone. “Look at museums, for example. Preserving and exhibiting works of art costs a lot of money,” says Van den Bunder. “The same goes for concerts. If you want to play Beethoven’s fifth, you need a hundred musicians.”
According to the advocate, if subsidies are not provided, the bill will fall to the citizen. “Only the ‘elite’ would then be able to enjoy a concert, for example. In this scenario, 1,000 euros for a concert ticket is not unthinkable.”
1:17Play button
Wilders day after victory: ‘We will work together with other parties’
‘Demolition of the entire sector’
According to Van den Bunder, jobs in the cultural sector are also coming under pressure. “This is a sector that was already having a hard time during the pandemic. This result comes just when everyone is getting back on their feet. We have to take into account the demolition of the entire sector.”
Natascha Hanegraaf of the National Knowledge Institute for Cultural Education and Amateur Art (LKCA) is also concerned about the possible new policy. “Culture is an important connecting factor in society. It is valuable for the development of young people, but also for lonely elderly people, for example. We therefore look to the future with great concern.”
LKCA is involved in cultural education in schools through subsidies. “Young people come into contact with music and museums, for example, something that is not possible for just everyone,” says Hanegraaf.
Yet the organization does not want to immediately think in doomsday scenarios. “It is not yet an issue. We want to show the added value of culture, especially at times like this.”
Wilders wants to get rid of public broadcasting
It is indeed questionable whether Wilders’ party will actually govern. For a majority in the House of Representatives, other parties must be willing to cooperate with the PVV. And if the PVV does indeed govern, this does not mean that the cabinet will actually implement these program points.
Wilders has also spoken negatively about public broadcasting. If it were up to him, the entire organization would disappear, he said last week Today Inside.
The NPO says it plays an “indispensable role” in society. “A strong public broadcaster that is independent of politics and commerce is essential in a democratic constitutional state,” says NPO chairman Frederieke Leeflang.
“More than 83 percent of Dutch people watch and listen to the programs on our channels and digital platforms every week. We will do everything we can to safeguard our role as a public media.”
2023-11-23 17:03:00
#Cultural #sector #shocked #PVV #win #account #pitchblack #scenario #Media