Herpes, gonorrhea, HIV, genital warts, hepatitis B, syphilis, chlamydia… if you have sex without a condom you can easily contract it. And, perhaps the day after, or only when you get a burning sensation, you might want to make sure you haven’t contracted anything.
A test is then a very good plan. Not only because you can pass on an STD, but also because some infections can cause permanent damage to your organs or because it affects your fertility.
Well, this was the fun part of this article.
One of the Hurricane forces thought it was time for a test, with good reason. He (m/f) called the GGD Zaanstreek-Waterland to make an appointment at the Sexual Health Center (CSG). Of course you can also go to your doctor for a test, but the threshold is lower at the GGD. Because it is free for people under the age of 25 and because it could be done anonymously (next time you may be confronted by your doctor with innocent issues such as RSI complaints).
Unfortunately the party was cancelled. Our colleague was fobbed off by a tape:
‘There is no doctor available for our STD clinic at the municipality of Zaanstreek-Waterland. That’s why we’re closed these weeks.’
When asked, it became clear that this has been the case for at least six months.
People who still want to schedule an STD test or a consultation are referred to their GP or the GGD in Amsterdam. And when the CSG in the municipality of Zaanstreek-Waterland can open again is a mystery:
“Unfortunately, we are experiencing a staff shortage, so we do not know when the Center will be active again.”
Tip for the GGD
We do not find any vacancy for an STD doctor on the website of the Zaanse GGD. Advertising via De Orkaan is therefore a good idea: the vacancy for a sexton for the Protestant church in Zaandam was quickly filled after they advertised with us. Their slogan ‘a job with depth’ could possibly be reused?
By: Remi Kerkhoven & Merel Kan. Photo The Hurricane
2023-11-21 17:04:24
#Testing #STD #GGDZaanstreekWaterland #Orkaan