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5 Foods to Protect Your Eyesight and Improve Vision

There are at least five foods that can protect your eyesight. Find out what they are to take care of you.

Seeing well is very important to fully enjoy all the beauties that life offers us. Often, however, we tend to damage our eyes in many different ways and all without taking care of them unless they start to show signs of specific problems.

However, starting to act for their well-being, without upsetting their routine, is more than feasible. In fact, it is enough to start including some foods in your everyday diet to give them everything they need to work at their best and stay healthy.

What to eat for the well-being of eyes and sight

Eating well, today more than ever, is seen as the first way to stay both fit and healthy. However, few people know that the health of your eyes also depends on what you eat. In fact, there are foods that more than others seem to improve vision, slow down its degeneration and offer the eyes all the useful tools to enjoy good health.

What are the best foods that contribute to the well-being of eyesight (biopianeta.it)

In this sense, one of the foods that we cannot fail to mention and which is now considered a real super food is extra virgin olive oil. This, consumed raw, helps keep eyes healthy thanks to the presence of vitamin E which avoids dry eyes and slows down the degeneration caused by the passage of time.

Salmon and oily fish in general are also good for the eyes. And this is because they are rich in Omega3, useful for combating retinopathy. Obviously a healthy diet cannot lack vegetables. And for the eyes they are the best carrots, and, in general, all yellow, red and orange vegetables such as pumpkin, potatoes, etc… Among the green ones, they should never be missing, cabbage, chard, spinach and lettuce. These help improve night vision and protect your eyes from the sun’s rays. As always, vegetables are associated with fruit and in particular citrus fruits which are rich in vitamin C, essential for the production of collagen and useful for keeping the eye muscles in shape.

Also dried fruit it is essential because it is able to protect the macula and reduce the risk of cataracts. And all thanks to the presence of precious minerals such as zinc and selenium. For a diet capable of protecting the eyes, therefore, it is a good idea to always include oil, red and green vegetables, dried fruit and fish. An added bonus is yogurt which has incredible properties and dairy products in general that thanks to vitamin A they play a protective role.

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2023-11-20 17:30:43
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