19 November 2023 19:15
I couldn’t show my wisdom in life.
Elina Bystritskaya easily walked over her head towards her goal. The talented artist spoiled the nerves of many, including those who did not deserve it at all.
The actress would hardly have gotten the role of Aksinya in “Quiet Flows the Flow”, which Nonna Mordyukova herself was aiming for. Sergei Gerasimov did not like how the actress showed herself at the audition. But then Sholokhov himself intervened in the matter.
The writer personally approved Bystritskaya’s candidacy, after which all doubts in this matter disappeared. However, after the film was released, the wayward star managed to annoy her benefactor.
She didn’t like that the great prose writer often touched the bottle. The main brawler of the USSR could not remain silent – she constantly lectured Mikhail Alexandrovich. And this terribly bothered the Nobel Prize winner in literature. As a result, the celebrities had a big fight.