HARIANHALUAN.COM- Having become a basic need for society, the presence of foreign-made smartphones such as Xiaomi, Samsung and Apple is no longer unstoppable.
But make no mistake, it turns out that Indonesia also has its own smartphone brand, even going international.
This smartphone brand made in Indonesia is not only sold in the domestic market, but also in the international market.
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1. Advan
Some people may have heard of or even own one of Advan’s smartphone products.
Advan is known to be an electronics company from Indonesia which was founded in 2007 in Jakarta.
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One of the advantages of this smartphone made by Advan is that the price is very affordable with quite good specifications.
One of Advan’s products that is quite taken into account is Advan i5A Glass Gold which is able to penetrate the Southeast Asian market.
This Advan series is equipped with qualified specifications at a fairly affordable price.
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Apart from that, Advan also collaborates with Barcelona players in their promotion.
2. Axioo
2023-11-19 03:42:00
#remember #legendary #smartphone #brands #Indonesia #turns #international #profiles