because it was sad that we were going toshow this video. we are going toshow something that can hurt yoursensitivity.the life of a family manHispanic has been destroyedunintentionally, this still showsIdeo because he harmed his son19 years old in a tragic accident.>> that had already happened and hethe young man’s body was lyingon the road.rolman: the adolescent asisiahis father, who drove aforklift to back upshow a dark colored carright next door and it was in thatlittle space where it fellrolled over and laid under aof the gigantic wheels.Alejandro Corés, who worksin a hardware store in front,He says he heard the cries andassures that the family isspanish>> they were of Latin descent.rolman: father and sonThey were in the middle of the blockSeventh Street is painting thefaçade of a building, thenThey headed to the corner,where the fatal incident includes the firstavenue in the cream, also thecity colitis eastwest andseventh avenue, in the afternoonon Thursday a 72-year-old womanyears old she was run over by adriver who fledin brooklyn, raising the numberto three fatalities in two years.a 70 year old man wasrun over while crossing thestreet for a truck debatecement and report it in statuscitic.where the young Hispanic diedthat of deep pain,second to see the sufferingof the loved ones.>> the young man threw himself into thefloor, they couldn’t evenapproach him. just itThey got into the ambulance.soul: the abuses areinvestigated by the police. Yeahhave information that canhelp us clarify someof these, you can call us at
2023-11-18 04:27:00
#dead #injured #critical #condition #left #vehicles #York #days