An international team of astronomers at the Technical University of Denmark announced the discovery of a large-scale structure, consisting of at least 20 massive galaxies, with a size of about 13 million light-years, and a total mass at the level of 260 billion solar masses.
The massive, dense structures of galaxies are seen as the ancestors of galaxy clusters, the most massive gravitationally bound systems in the universe.
The structure was detected at a redshift of 3.44, in the small region between the planets Ursa Major and Howling, called the Extended Growth Strip (EGS), which was observed using the James Webb Space Telescope, and the observations were supplemented with data from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Scientists pointed out that it is possible that Galaxy E could become the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) if it fell into the core of the cluster at a later cosmic time.
Scientists suggested further research into quiet cluster galaxies with high redshifts, which could be crucial in improving our understanding of how the largest structures in the universe form and evolve.