Home » Entertainment » The music of Middle Earth from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ comes to Madrid with three free concerts

The music of Middle Earth from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ comes to Madrid with three free concerts

The literary universe created by JRR Tolkien is back on the agenda. After the announcement of the re-release of the extended versions of the films in several cinemas in the capital, the musical group Endor Linda (two words from one of the languages ​​invented by the writer, ‘Quenya’, and which mean ‘The music of Middle Earth’) will perform three concerts with entrance free until full capacity, with a focus close to Celtic music, but with touches of jazz, classical melodies and even pop.

The band will perform on Saturday November 18that 12:00 p.m., at the Iván de Vargas Municipal Public Library (Centro), on Wednesday November 22th in the Víctor Espinós Musical Library from 6.30 pm on Sunday November 26at 12:00 p.m., at the Eugenio Trías Municipal Public Library (El Retiro Menagerie).

Endor Lindë’s song lyrics appear in the works of Tolkien. Most include melodies and original arrangements and in some cases the lyrics have been left as they appear in the original version in English or ‘Quenya’. Others have been translated To Spanish. In these concerts, the group aims to instill values of pacifism, respect for the environment, generosity and the importance of music, something very present in the works of the British author.

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2023-11-16 15:56:09
#music #Middle #Earth #Lord #Rings #Madrid #free #concerts

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