▲ Research results have shown that the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet in controlling cholesterol may be weaker than previously known. (Photo = DB)
[메디컬투데이=한지혁 기자] Research has shown that the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet in controlling cholesterol may be weaker than previously known.
The results of a study investigating the effect of the Mediterranean diet on controlling blood lipid levels were published in the academic journal ‘Nutrients’.
Hyperlipidemia, particularly high cholesterol levels, is associated with approximately 2.6 million deaths worldwide each year.
Increased levels of ‘low-density lipoprotein (LDL)’ cholesterol, known as the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol, may be due to genetic factors, side effects of some medications, etc., but in most cases, it is caused by an unhealthy diet.
Over the past few years, scientists from around the world have published research results showing that healthy diet management, such as the Mediterranean diet, vegetarianism, the ‘DASH’ diet, and the ‘TLC’ diet, can help control LDL cholesterol levels.
The Mediterranean diet is a type of healthy diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein intake from fish and seafood. Previous research has shown that key foods that make up the Mediterranean diet help lower LDL cholesterol.
Additionally, according to several research results, consistently consuming a Mediterranean diet can help treat hypercholesterolemia and increase levels of ‘high-density lipoprotein (HDL)’ cholesterol, which is called ‘good’ cholesterol.
However, a Swiss researcher recently analyzed the blood lipid levels and dietary composition of approximately 4,200 participants living in the Lausanne region of Switzerland and reported that this association was not as strong as known.
Even in participants who were highly compliant with the Mediterranean diet, there were no significant changes in blood fat levels. Although a positive association with HDL cholesterol was observed, there was no significant effect on total and LDL cholesterol levels.
Overall, the researchers concluded that the results of this study highlight the need for further research that addresses the results of long-term, large-scale dietary surveys.
[ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
2023-11-15 22:49:15
#Mediterranean #diet #suitable #controlling #cholesterol