In June, the collaboration between the Ophthalmology and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine departments of Erasmus MC and the Rotterdam Ophthalmological Institute (ROI) of the Rotterdam Eye Hospital was officially formed by the establishment of the Eye Image Analysis Group Rotterdam.
Image: tadamichi/Getty Images/iStock
In recent years, the availability of large data sets together with artificial intelligence (AI) have created numerous opportunities for image analysis and data modeling. A reason for the hospitals to establish the Eye Image Analysis Group Rotterdam. The collaboration bundles the knowledge available within the departments about advanced image analysis and data modeling of the eye. Self-learning AI and new algorithms will hopefully lead to new insights into the cause and progression of eye diseases, including the associated treatment options for clinical practice.
In addition to conventional imaging techniques, the collaboration focuses on the use and analysis of adaptive optics flood illumination ophthalmoscopy (AO-FIO). This is a technique that has been brought into clinical practice from astrophysics; With this technique, individual cones and rods can be visualized for the first time. This makes it possible to detect abnormalities early and to accurately monitor the effect of new treatments, such as gene therapy.
Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam
2023-11-15 08:05:45
#Eye #Image #Analysis #Group #Rotterdam #MedNet