Jakarta (SIB)The Leonid meteor shower will peak in November 2023. This will be the second meteor shower phenomenon whose peak will occur in November 2023, after previously the South and North Taurid meteor showers occurred. So when will the peak time for the Leonid meteor shower phenomenon occur in 2023? Can the Leonid meteor shower phenomenon in November 2023 be observed from Indonesia? Check out the complete information as follows: Leonid Meteor Shower 17-18 November 2023. Reported by Langit Selatan, the Leonid meteor shower phenomenon took place from 3 November to 2 December. Meanwhile, the peak intensity will occur on November 17-18 2023. Observers can see 15 meteors per hour traveling at a speed of 71 km/sec. The Leonid meteor shower comes from the remaining dust from the comet Tempel-Tuttle appearing to come from the direction of the constellation Leo. For meteor hunters, the new Leo constellation will rise at midnight at 00.20 WIB. The moon has already set when Leonid rises so observers only need to look for a location free of light pollution. The Leonid meteor shower can be witnessed in Indonesia. Sky observers can observe this phenomenon from the northern and southern hemispheres every year after midnight until early morning. It is known that the Leonids are a meteor shower that is classified as productive every year. The Leonid Meteor Shower Phenomenon in History The Leonids are one of the oldest meteor showers ever recorded in history. In 902, observers in China recorded the Leonid meteor shower as “stars falling like rain”. Observations in the same year were also made by observers in Egypt and Italy. Observations of the Leonid meteor storm in 1799 and 1833 were the first scientifically recorded meteor showers. In 1799, Von Humboldt and M. Bonpland made observations for 4 hours and witnessed thousands of meteors streaking across the sky in Cumana, Venezuela. Other observations were also made by observers located 1200 km from Cumana and by Andrew Ellicott from Florida. Ways and Tips for Observing the Leonid Meteor Shower. When observing a meteor shower, the first step is to look for a location that is dark and not contaminated with light pollution. Use a planisphere or star map, either printed or in application form, to find the direction in which a meteor shower is coming. The best time to observe a meteor shower is when the constellation in which the meteor is coming from is quite high above the horizon. Apart from that, the presence of a convex Moon and a bright full Moon which has the potential to cause natural light pollution should also receive attention. Make observations when the meteor shower reaches maximum activity or at its peak. Observations can start from the day before until the day after the peak of the meteor shower. (**)
2023-11-15 05:01:51
#Leonid #Meteor #Shower #Phenomenon #Peak #November