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Cubans with Form I-220A will attend a peaceful march in Miami

The Cuban community in exile that entered the country with a Form I-220A called for a peaceful march in Miami to demand that their immigration situation be resolved, since they were left in a kind of limbo after the Superior Board of Immigration Appeals of the United States (BIA) decided that this document was no longer valid to apply for permanent residence with the help of the Cuban Adjustment Act.

This march will take place this Wednesday, November 15 at 2:00 pm, and will end in front of the Homeland Security Investigation Principal Field offices, which are located at 11226 NW 20th St. Miami, FL 33172.

The objective of the peaceful protest is to demand that the BEA decision be reviewed, since many of them were waiting for the regulatory period to pass to begin the permanent residence process.

Those responsible for organizing this event They had already done a similar one in previous monthsensuring that many are at risk of being returned to the Island from which they tried to escape with all their might.

Like the last time, the march will also be used to demand the release of political prisoners who are in the custody of the Castro regime on the Island, who were arrested solely for demanding a better quality of life during the 11J protests.

The cause will feature Cubans who will travel to Miami from other cities such as Tampa, Orlando and Naples, with organizers expecting the presence of at least 500 people.

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@i220a.exile Tomorrow is the big day. i220a demonstration in front of the Department of Homeland Security. #i220a #cubansporelmundo #i220aparoleinplace #patriayvida #cubadictatorship #miami #hialeah #houston #cubanosenusa #cubaestadofallido ♬ Pa’lla Voy – Marc Anthony

Interim parole sent by ICE

In recent weeks, it was learned that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) began to distribute an interim parole to several Cubans who were left in limbo with the I-220A form, even when they did not make any request.

No official notice was issued by ICE regarding this delivery, nor is it in response to previous requests, so while these words interims represent hope for many affected by the BEA decision, the criteria that the US authorities are using to distribute them are unknown.

Immigration lawyer Willy Allen considers that this is a strategy implemented by the Joe Biden administration to deal with the problem of affected Cubans, as it provides the opportunity for a large number of them to benefit from the Cuban Adjustment Act.

Some of the lucky ones have been interviewed, however, none have been able to determine the reason why they were chosen to receive the parole interim. In that sense, they affirm that the document was a pleasant surprise that they did not expect.

“I didn’t expect it, it was a huge surprise for me. “Super grateful first to God, then to this great nation that has opened its doors to us,” indicated one of these Cuban women when she was interviewed by journalist Javier Díaz.

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