Palakkad – The state government has given strict instructions to the district administrations not to cooperate with the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra conducted by the Center on the model of Nava Kerala Sadas to spread the development achievements of the state government. The Prime Minister’s Office has suggested that Governor Arif Muhammad Khan should attend the state-level inauguration at Attapadi today as ministers, officials and people’s representatives are completely absent. Union Minister V. Muralidharan will also participate.
Chief Secretary at the state level and Collector at the district level are the nodal officers for the central government schemes. In some districts, an initial meeting was held with state level officials, but later the government suggested that they should not cooperate at all. The information is that the instructions have been received from the Chief Minister’s office. With this, the state level responsibility was given to the presidents of the bankers committee. The public relations department has also informed that they will not give news about the project.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Rs 24,000 crore scheme for the Praktana tribe in Jharkhand today at a ceremony in Attapadi through video conference. Even though the project will bring huge benefits to the tribals of Kerala, Kerala has not clarified its position. Although central and state officials have held several meetings regarding the project, today the officials of Scheduled Tribes Development Department of the state are not participating.
Vikasit Sankalp Yatra is planned to spread the achievements of 9 years of central government ahead of Lok Sabha elections. For this purpose, the Congress and the opposition have come out against the appointment of officers in the post of Joint Secretary, Director and Deputy Secretary as ‘Charge Officer’.
English Summary:
State Government boycotts Central Government Programme at Attappady
2023-11-14 19:35:11
#State #government #bans #central #campaign #Governor #inauguration