The UNSA considers the few improvements in rights for job seekers worth taking, such as the reduction in the minimum affiliation condition for first-time entrants and seasonal workers or the reduction in the ceiling of non-working days taken into account. account for the calculation of the SJR. But they are far from making up for the declines of previous years.
The UNSA also welcomes the absence of restrictive measures for multi-job employees – present in a preliminary draft agreement – which would have notably reduced the rights of childminders. Same thing regarding the postponement of the provisions relating to the “senior” sector.
However, with the monthly payment of unemployment benefits, job seekers could lose 5 to 6 days of compensation per year, which is far from negligible. The UNSA strongly opposes this measure.
At the same time, the employers granted themselves a reduction in contributions and attempted to revise the bonus-malus system in their favor.
The UNSA, however, approves the inclusion in the memorandum of understanding of the refusal of additional State deductions from Unédic revenues to further support Pôle emploi, future France Travail – which it already finances at more than 70 % – and to fill the France skills deficit.
For the UNSA, this agreement will not improve the situation of job seekers, despite some progress for some. It will, however, make it possible to avoid a finding of deficiency, which is possible as the framework letter from the executive was restrictive, in particular because it refused to allow the negotiation to go back on its previous reforms.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee at this stage that the government will validate this agreement.
The few advances for job seekers contained in the project would therefore remain a dead letter and further setbacks would be possible if the executive continues its determination to encumber rights to unemployment compensation.
Laurent Escure Secretary General
Press contact: Vanessa Jereb, Deputy Secretary General
2023-11-14 12:45:35
#Unemployment #insurance #minimal #constrained #agreement #UNSA