a lion
The New Year will give you many adventures. And you will be greatly surprised when a person comes into your life, to whom you thought you had said goodbye forever. It could be a former friend or even a partner who once broke your heart.
By spring, you will definitely understand whether you are ready to let this person into your life again. Most likely, love will settle in your heart again. However, this will happen no matter what your decision is. Fate is preparing something very interesting for you.
The beginning of 2024 will be marked by something unpleasant for you. You will probably feel cold in your relationships with loved ones. In moments of weakness, you should control yourself. Try not to chop wood.
Don’t think that this period will last forever. Joyful events will definitely await you in the new year. A person you rejected in the past may come back into your life. And even if you quarrel with someone at the beginning of the year, this person will still find an opportunity to make peace with you. And you will definitely be happy about it.
In 2024, you may suddenly realize that you are ready to take responsibility and change something. When deciding to take this step, you should think about who you would like to bring back from the past, and who you would like to forget forever.
Most likely, you are ready to put aside past grievances and start communicating again with the person who was once dear to you. If you are absolutely sure of this, take the initiative into your own hands. Take the first step, then the person you miss will come back to you.