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Armed Attack in Zacatecas: Three State Police Officers and Three Attackers Dead

Zacatecas.- Authorities of the Zacatecas government confirmed an armed attack against police officers who were carrying out patrols in the Buenavista neighborhood, located in the capital, where three state police officers and three attackers died.

This morning Rodrigo Reyes Mugüerza, general secretary of the state government, reported on his social networks that the events occurred last night, when elements of the State Police were attacked by a criminal group and he regretted that three police officers lost their lives in the line of duty.

He mentioned that after repelling the attack, three of the aggressors were killed and detailed that they are two men and a woman, he even revealed that according to “the information we have so far, shows that the latter had been previously detained some time ago.” weeks and later released by a federal judge.

In his message, Rodrigo Reyes expressed his condolences to the families of the fallen police officers and stated that “the state government reaffirms our solidarity and recognition of the State Police, made up of women and men who daily give their lives for the pacification of the state. We will not rest until we achieve it.”

Read also They find 2 other bodies tied up and with signs of violence in Zacatecas

For its part, the State Peacebuilding and Security Board reported that the police officers who lost their lives were two men and a woman.

He explained that they were attacked by armed civilians from inside a home and that after the attack, weapons, tactical equipment and various evidence were seized from them.

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2023-11-12 20:16:11
#Armed #attack #Zacatecas #leaves #dead #state #police #universal

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