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VVD Campaign for a New Beginning Post-Rutte Era: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

NOSRutte on a campaign for the VVD

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 18:35

The fact that Prime Minister Rutte is leaving politics is seen by many as an opportunity for a new start, with a different culture. What do the “outgoing” government parties think of this, which were on an election campaign today?

With the previous formation, VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie joined forces more or less against each other. In the ‘position Omtzigt, position elsewhere’ debate, shortly after the 2021 elections, mutual relationships were seriously tested, especially those between Rutte and the other party leaders. After months of negotiations, a government agreement was finally reached in early 2022, which many regarded as a marriage of convenience.

Cabinet fell over family reunification

The now outgoing cabinet had difficulties from the start, partly due to the war in Ukraine. And in the background was an ongoing discussion about migration. At the beginning of this summer, the cabinet fell after the parties failed to agree on restrictions on family reunification.

Shortly afterwards it became clear that all four coalition parties will go into the elections with a new party leader. VVD member Rutte, CDA member Hoekstra and D66 member Kaag are no longer participating; Party leader Bikker of the Christian Union will remain, but she is actually also new, because she was not yet a party leader in the previous elections.

Does this combination of events – and in particular Rutte’s departure – offer opportunities for a new beginning and for the much-discussed new administrative culture? Rutte himself recently said that he has stayed on for too long and that he should have handed over the baton in 2021.

Yesilgöz: ‘I don’t throw anything in the trash’

Rutte’s successor as VVD party leader Yesilgöz responded today to the question whether she is distancing herself from thirteen years of Rutte. “I am very proud of things that have gone well and I learn from things that have not gone well. I don’t throw anything in the trash, we are proud of what we need to cherish,” she said.

Rutte himself, who, like Yesilgöz, campaigned for the VVD today, also used the word proud: “We have pretty much the strongest economy in the world and no unemployment. But there are also many problems that we have to solve.” According to him, there is no question of an ‘old’ and a ‘new’ VVD: “We are one team, all together.”

‘Taken responsibility’

D66 leader Jetten notices during the campaign that many people are cynical about politics. Does he regret that his party entered a cabinet with Rutte again two years ago? “D66 is a party that takes responsibility. We won 24 seats last time and we really did something with that. I am proud of that, but of course you cannot change the political culture on your own. That work is really still not finished.”

CDA party leader Bontenbal also emphasized that his party has taken responsibility. According to him, that is in the DNA of the party. But Bontenbal says that the CDA does not necessarily have to be back in the cabinet. “We will see whether the CDA wants to be in the coalition or in the opposition.”

His Christian Union colleague Bikker used similar words about responsibility. About the Christian Union’s participation in Rutte IV, Bikker said that everyone saw that the party did not really feel like it and that it was not a happy marriage either. “But we are now at a new moment. I see opportunities for improvement, especially in The Hague.”

Political reporter Xander van der Wulp:

“The VVD has a chance to become the largest again. But there are concerns among the parties that governed with Rutte for the last six years. D66 and CDA in particular are in danger of being punished.

Rutte easily won the 2021 elections thanks to his corona popularity. Even though he had recently resigned due to the benefits scandal. After much hesitation, the cabinet continued with the same composition. But they have not been able to shake off the past.

The major cleaning, which did not take place in 2021, is now taking place. New leaders demand new opportunities. Rutte was the man of political compromise for 13 years, in a time of fragmentation and polarization. That worked for the politicians who made the compromise, but it increasingly did not work in implementation. Many new leaders want to do things differently after the Rutte years. The opportunity is there, although no one knows exactly how.”

2023-11-11 17:35:47
#political #leaders #administrative #culture

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