This time it was not an act, nor a great mobilization. A few days before the runoff, the CGT sought for candidates Sergio Massa and Javier Milei to take a position on labor legislation. That is, from the articles of the National Constitution to the different laws that protect and guarantee the rights of workers. It is a 15-point petition with which the labor union seeks to get the candidates to clarify their position on this issue and, they believe, will allow those who are undecided when it comes to voting to know what type of country each candidate offers. “The candidates’ responses will help those who are undecided to make a decision,” triumvir Héctor Daer hoped during the presentation of the petition.
Daer, along with triumvirs Pablo Moyano (truck drivers) and Carlos Acuña (service stations) held a press conference accompanied by the Minister of Labor, Raquel Kelly Olmos, to present the petition. “These points are core for the workers,” acknowledged the head of the health workers and said that this request was made public to “be able to have a public response from the candidates.”
Some of the points of the text request “to ratify the full validity of the right to work expressed in article 14 and 14 bis of the National Constitution; defend the Collective and individual Rights that guarantee the protection of work and ensure, through collective agreements , free parities for the discussion of salary and better distribution of income and reaffirm the progressiveness of labor and social rights because a fairer society is built with the expansion of rights.
Less diplomatic, Moyano assured that “maybe we already know what one candidate and the other are going to answer.” Regarding the link that Luis Barrionuevo maintained with Milei, Daer said that “we did not have contact with him and he is not part of the Board of Directors, although Gastronomicos is on it.” The response was heard by the triumvir Acuña and he did not say anything despite being Barrionuevo’s representative on the board of directors.
The CGT does not hide its preference for Massa. What’s more, Daer stated that he “is going to win Massa.” Along these lines, he carried out two great acts to show the workers’ support for the Union for the Homeland formula. That is why during the conference the criticism was directed at the libertarian. Daer stated that “if they say that they are going to cut 15 percent of the budget, forget that they may be thinking about the National Constitution.” Moyano, meanwhile, “repudiated” Milei’s running mate, Victoria Villarruel, for “vindicating the dictatorship and the repressors” during the recent debate of vice presidential candidates.
The 15 points of the CGT document:
1. The full validity of the right to work expressed in article 14 and 14 bis of the National Constitution.
2. The defense of Collective and individual Rights that guarantee the protection of work and ensure, through collective agreements, free parity for the discussion of salary and better distribution of income.
3. The progressiveness of labor and social rights for a more just society with expanded rights.
4. The regular convocation of the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage Council, a tripartite body that sets the minimum value of workers’ salaries.
5. Guarantees for the implementation and functioning of the Economic and Social Council (CES), a collegiate and citizen participation body for debate and the search for consensus on strategic priorities for the development of the country.
6. Determine the jurisdiction of the Labor Court as the only jurisdictional body to hear labor issues.
7. The implementation of a process of growth of registered and decent work with fair and sufficient remuneration, guaranteeing the right of access to health, education and recreation for every working person and their family.
8. The full functioning and adequate financing of contributory social security systems that, through the mandatory contribution of workers, guarantee medical care to their contributors, job security, retirements and pensions.
9. The promotion of employability through continuous learning and the improvement of work skills through education, training and permanent technical-vocational training of workers, with the aim of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of our Production system.
10. The implementation of Convention number 190 and Recommendations 206 of the International Labor Organization on violence and harassment in the world of work in our country, ensuring equitable hiring of gender and diversities and guaranteeing equal remuneration for equal work.
11. Union participation in housing policies to ensure that the needs of workers and their families are taken into account in the planning and execution of equitable and accessible housing programs for workers.
12. The protection of every working person and their family during their active period through the pension and social security system, guaranteeing automatically adjustable pensions with the average salaries established by the collective agreements of reference activities.
13. The reduction of the working day to guarantee the well-being of the workers, agreeing to it through collective agreements and by activities according to the different realities.
14. Public, Compulsory and Free Education, guaranteed by the National Constitution and supported by the National State and the Provincial States, which in Argentina is consolidated, fundamentally, through Law 26,206 of National Education, Law 26,075 of Educational Financing and Law 26,058 on Professional Technical Education.
15. Investment in public works to promote energy, road, educational and health policies and as a generator of genuine direct and indirect work. The participation of the State in Public Service companies such as transportation, energy, water, and health.