Home » News » Senior Judge Pedro Benito López Rejects PSOE and Junts Agreement for Pedro Sánchez Investiture

Senior Judge Pedro Benito López Rejects PSOE and Junts Agreement for Pedro Sánchez Investiture

The senior judge of Albacete, Pedro Benito López, has shown his rejection of the agreement signed between PSOE and Junts, in order to achieve the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, as president of the Government.

López has shown his rejection by adhering to the document made public yesterday by the four associations of judges in the country (Professional Association for the Judiciary, Francisco de Vitoria Judicial Association, Judges for Democracy and Independent Judicial Forum).

In this sense, the document shows the “rejection” of references to the “judicialization of politics” and its consequences.

As indicated in the statement, “the text of the agreement reached contains explicit references to the possibility of developing investigative commissions in parliamentary headquarters in order to determine the presence of situations of judicialization of politics, with the consequences that, where appropriate, could give rise to liability actions or legislative modifications. This could mean, in practice, subjecting judicial procedures and decisions to parliamentary review with evident interference in judicial independence and breaking the separation of powers. Judges must be subject only to the rule of law, since this is expressly established by article 117.1 of the Constitution. These expressions, insofar as they reveal any distrust in the functioning of the Judiciary, are not acceptable. The Judiciary in Spain is independent, it does not act under pressure policies and has a system of jurisdictional guarantees that removes the risk that is pointed out”.

In addition to the senior judge of Albacete, the senior judges of the Judicial districts of Alcalá de Henares, Pamplona, ​​Santander, Jaén, Murcia, Valencia, Oviedo, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Girona, Lanzarote (Arrecife), Seville, have also adhered to the document. Melilla, Lugo, Ourense, Cáceres, Palencia, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera, Barcelona, ​​Huelva, Torrent, Badajoz, Algeciras, Cádiz, Toledo, Jerez de la Frontera, Pontevedra, Segovia, Vigo, Marbella, Gandía, Coruña, Sabadell , Santiago de Compostela, Bilbao, Dos Hermanas, Logroño, Almería, Móstoles, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, León, Lleida, San Sebastián, Granada, Alicante, Zamora, Mérida, Huesca, Elche, Zaragoza, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, JJCC National Court, Ferrol Burgos, Guadalajara, Valladolid, Castellón, Madrid, Málaga, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Arganda, Colmenar, Collado Villalba, Coslada, Getafe, Leganés, Móstoles, Navalcarnero, Parla, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Torrejón de Ardoz, Torrelaguna, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Valdemoro, Majadahonda and Ponferrada.

#senior #judge #Albacete #rejects #agreement #PSOE #Junts

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