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Actions are intensified to prevent the proliferation of dengue in Valledupar

The Local Health Secretariat of Valledupar and the Healthy Living and Communicable Diseases dimension, intensify surveillance, case search, adequate larval control and fumigation, since, due to the rainy season, an increase in dengue cases is expected.

To mitigate these events, organizations work hand in hand with communities to raise awareness about correct water storage, eradication of Aedes aegypti mosquito breeding sites, and early consultation with health services.

“We are reaching all communities to eradicate mosquito breeding sites, using chemical control to prevent the increase in these cases,” said Holmer Jiménez Ditta, Local Secretary of Health.

According to the Epidemiological Surveillance System, as of week 43 so far this year, 963 cases have been reported, of which 16 have been severe dengue and 1 mortality has occurred.

Preventing the proliferation of the dengue-transmitting mosquito is in our hands by taking four simple actions:
•Wash and brush tanks and pools every 8 days to eliminate Aedes Aegypti mosquito eggs from the walls.
•Frequently change the water in animal waterers and vases.
•Cover containers that contain water.
•Properly dispose of the garbage accumulated in patios and outdoor areas and eliminate tires or guarantee their storage in closed places.

In addition to being attentive to symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, appearance of spots on the skin to go immediately to a health center.

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