In a statement published Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that a former collaborator was seen in a video tearing down portraits of Israeli hostages. An administrative investigation was opened, at the request of the minister, Catherine Colonna.
A month after the Hamas attack on Israeli territory, more than 200 people, kidnapped by the Islamist group, are still missing, probably held in the Gaza Strip. While portraits of these kidnapped Israelis, including “French nationals”, were displayed in several cities around the world, a former government employee was allegedly caught in the act of removing them.
Read also :
DIRECT. Israel-Hamas war: the Israeli army claims to be “in the heart of Gaza City”
“A former contractual employee of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs was identified tearing down the portrait of Israeli hostages in Gaza,” the ministry announced in a statement Tuesday November 7, after the broadcast on X (formerly Twitter) of a video showing the scene. “We are now aware of other publications comparing in particular the Hamas terrorist attacks to the French resistance against the Nazi occupation,” continues the press release, which considers that these publications could “probably” enter “into the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by the International Alliance for the Memory of the Shoah, endorsed by France in February 2019″. “It will be up to the courts to determine whether they also justify criminal prosecution,” judges the ministry.
Press release from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (November 7, 2023)
A former contractual employee of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs was identified tearing down the portrait of Israeli hostages in Gaza. Among these hostages are several…
— France Diplomatieud83cuddebud83cuddf7ud83cuddeaud83cuddfa (@francediplo) November 7, 2023
The video where we see this ex-collaborator shows, according to the press release, “a totally unworthy attitude, behavior and comments which completely disqualify this person from maintaining any working relationship with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.” . The latter does not specify the identity of the collaborator in question, nor even the place and date on which the events took place. He nevertheless specifies that an administrative investigation will be carried out at the request of Catherine Colonna, even if the person concerned no longer currently works for the ministry.
2023-11-07 18:40:59
#employee #Ministry #Foreign #Affairs #filmed #tearing #portraits #Israeli #hostages