Mataram (NTBSatu) – Different astronomical phenomena will decorate the sky almost every month. In November 2023, there will also be an astronomical phenomenon, namely several meteor showers that will decorate the sky at night.
For those who want to see or monitor astronomical phenomena in November 2023, here are details of the predicted date for this astronomical phenomenon, quoted from, Monday, November 6 2023.
Opposition of Jupiter
On November 3, Jupiter is at its closest point to Earth and is fully illuminated by the Sun.
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This phenomenon makes Jupiter brighter and visible throughout the night.
This opportunity is the best time to see and photograph Jupiter and its moons.
Taurid Meteor Shower
The peak of this meteor shower occurs on the evening of November 4 and the morning of November 5.
This meteor shower is produced by dust grains left behind by Asteroid 2004 TG10 and debris left by Comet 2P Enke.
2023-11-06 14:23:06
#Astronomical #Phenomenon #Meteor #Showers #November #Dates