We all know the awful feeling of one clogged ear. Whether you went swimming with a bad cold strugglet, or have simply just landed after a plane trip… either way, you want to get rid of that clogged ear as quickly as possible. We share five tips for… closed ear open again to get.
0. No cotton swabs
Before we explain the best way to open your ear, it is also good to take a moment to consider what you should not do. Because while you may immediately want to reach for a cotton swab, that is exactly the opposite of what you should do. With cotton swabs you run the risk that you will only push a blockage further in. And that is exactly what we want to prevent, right?
1. Pinch your nose
By far the simplest way to open a closed ear again is to pinch your nose closed and then carefully blow out through your nose. You will soon feel your ear open with a kind of ‘pop’. This is also called the Valvalsa-manoeuvre. The more you know!
2. Drip oil
It may feel contradictory: after all, your ear is already clogged. Why would you want to do anything else in it? However, it can help to put a few drops of oil in your ear. For example, use olive oil. This can ensure that a blockage of earwax, for example, becomes softer and comes loose more easily.
3. Rinse carefully
You’ve undoubtedly had a stray drop of water in your ear after a shower. But especially when your ear is clogged, a quick shower can also help a lot! This works as follows: make sure that the water is not at full power and turn the temperature down a bit. This way you prevent damage to your ear canal. Then point your ear downwards and gently rinse your ear canal with the shower head. By keeping your ear to the ground, the water and gravity can work together. This way you can easily rinse any dirt from your ear!
4. Sleeping on your clogged ear
Another option that makes clever use of gravity is to simply sleep on the side of your clogged ear. There is a good chance that there is a possible water drop or other blockage overnight comes out of your ear!
5. Have your ears syringed out by a professional
If all these tips do not help, you can always call your doctor. They have extensive experience with clogged ears – and can refer you to an ENT specialist if necessary. This way you can be sure that your ears are in good hands. So nice!
Source: Ze.nl, Medi-Mere, Bernhoven | Image: Adobe Stock
2023-11-06 09:55:48
#Aha #open #closed #ear