Jupiter appears larger than Earth tonight (4/11) if the sky is clear. The largest planet in the solar system is shining ahead of the peak of the South Taurid meteor shower which is expected to occur on November 5 – 6.
“At around 10 pm American time, Jupiter was clearly visible as a large, bright and pale yellow ball,” as quoted by Space.com, Friday (3/11).
Jupiter will be flanked by the rays of the North and South Taurid meteor showers. The peak of the South Taurid meteor shower is expected to be on 5 – 6 November and the North 12 – 13 November.
“South and North Taurid do not have very definite peak rain times. “They move slowly in October and November, especially at the end of the month, when they slide and overlap,” as quoted by EarthSky.
“When is the best time to see the North and South Taurid meteor showers? Around midnight around November 13 when the sky was clear,” he was quoted as saying. Because the new moon will appear on November 13, making the Taurid meteors more visible.
Three to five meteors will be visible every hour at that time. To be able to see this meteor, you need to come to a dark location or area such as a mountain and make sure the sky is clear at that time.
The National Research and Innovation Agency or BRIN states the intensity of the Taurid meteor shower as follows:
South Taurid: 6.3 to 6.9 meteors per hour on November 5 – 6 North Taurid: 4.2 to 4.8 meteors per hour on November 12 – 13
2023-11-04 02:34:00
#phenomenon #Jupiter #shining #tonight #ahead #peak #Taurid #meteor #shower