What happened to Vieri and his companions? While waiting for a clarification, the story of the former Inter defender arrives which seems to refer precisely to his friend
It thundered so much that it rained. Or is it all a joke? Inseparable friends in life and in video: Vieri, Cassano, Adani and Ventola from the pandemic onwards they have kept the fans company on Twitch with the Bobo TV. Their opinions were taken up by websites and newspapers and now it all seems over. This evening there was supposed to be the Friday night live broadcast but only Bobo himself appeared in front of the screen. The former Inter striker declared that from today he will carry on the broadcasts and greeted his three traveling companions, thanking them for their collaboration and without explaining too much else. He promised new formats in which he will involve the fans and did not add anything else. Real separation or joke? At the moment there is no certainty.
Lele Adanimeanwhile, from his Instagram profile, in his stories, he posted a piece of the Film the Immortal, (integrated chapter of Gomorrah) the one in which one of the two protagonists, Ciro, explains: “The earthquake is God’s will, it is good for the earth. Like when a person accumulates and accumulates, if he doesn’t let it go then he dies. The earthquake is a good thing”, you hear and see Adani’s hand slamming on the table as if to agree with the character. It really seems like a reference to a breakup that changed the course of things.
2023-11-03 23:19:09
#announcement #Bobo #Adani #speaks #Immortal #earthquake #good