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Improving Health and Quality of Life in Old Age: Tips from Gerontologist

A briefing was held at the site of the Almaty Regional Communications Service with the participation of gerontologist Olga Tueva, who shared basic recommendations on how to monitor health and improve the quality of life in old age, Almaty.tv reports.

In her speech, the doctor spoke about the main factors that can significantly affect life expectancy.

For example, controllable factors influencing the shortening and deterioration of life include the following reasons, which were identified by the WHO back in 2005:

High blood pressure or hypertension. Obesity and poor nutrition. Increased levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood. Low physical activity. Smoking. Excessive alcohol consumption. Drug use. “Unprotected” sex. Poor quality of drinking water. Air pollution.

– There are certain controllable factors that can be controlled and changed. We can completely or at least partially eliminate controlled harmful factors and thereby prevent the development of diseases, improve well-being and live longer and better. There are also uncontrollable factors such as heredity, gender and age. It seems that nothing can be done about them, but these factors can be neutralized to one degree or another or compensated with the help of controllable factors. It is impossible to identify any isolated factor that ensures life extension. Longevity is determined by “the complex interaction of hereditary and environmental factors,” – shared O. Tueva.

The expert also noted that lack of physical activity over time can cause excess weight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in the blood. These factors combine to increase your likelihood of developing chronic heart disease and other health problems.

– The aging population and increasing life expectancy have led to an increase in chronic diseases and disorders that require expensive treatment. Behavioral risk factors generally refer to actions that a person performs on his own. Therefore, such factors can be eliminated or reduced by changing lifestyle or behavioral habits, – said doctor O. Tueva.

Answering questions from journalists, the expert noted that life expectancy is 25–30% dependent on heredity, as evidenced by numerous modern studies.

– That is, people whose parents and grandparents lived long will also live on average longer than others. If the life expectancy of the parents was below average, then the likelihood of their children also living a short life is very high. But this is just a possibility. Every person is capable of ensuring a long life. After all, there is another 70% influence of other factors not related to heredity. These are lifestyle, habits and nutrition, accessibility and quality of medical care. All these factors, when used correctly, can ensure a long and fulfilling life. Thus, the genetic contribution to this indicator is small, but it has been found that the more long-lived relatives a person has, the greater his chance of living to an age of more than 80 years, – said O. Tueva.

The doctor notes that even in old age, physical activity cannot be neglected; light gymnastics should be included in the daily routine of an elderly person.

– Every person needs to start their morning with gymnastics. It awakens the body, makes all organs work, starts the metabolic process, and promotes spinal mobility. Exercises for older adults should be gentle to avoid joint damage. Including morning exercises in your routine helps set the whole day in a good mood, which will not be overshadowed by joint pain and other troubles. After morning exercises, take a shower alternating cold and hot water. This start will give you a great boost for the whole day, – shared expert O. Tueva.

So, a gerontologist recommends creating a daily routine for a certain period. At the same time, an elderly person should not be zealous or overtired, including physical activity and trying to complete as many tasks as possible. Special attention should be paid to nutrition.

– An elderly person needs to be careful about their diet and diet. Food should include vegetable salads, dairy and fermented milk products, meat and fish. You should avoid fast food, fried, too spicy and salty foods. A pensioner’s menu should be dietary and thoughtful to avoid the development of ulcers and gastritis. Elderly people cannot agree that they should spend energy optimally, avoid increased physical and mental activity, and have a gentle daily routine. – Speaker O. Tueva noted in conclusion.

Read also: Month of the Elderly: How many Almaty residents were covered by medical care

2023-11-03 08:56:55

#maintain #health #age

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